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Oncology Massage at Art of Body Experience

Oncology massage therapy is a special type of massage developed specifically for cancer patients. Cancer patients in cancer treatments, at end of life, and in survivorship have certain unique health needs which must be addressed in massage therapy sessions. By integrating Swedish, Reiki and reflexology, and modifying techniques and pressures for each individual, a relaxing, gentle, nurturing massage can have the following benefits:

·         Relieve pain

·         Ease anxiety and depression

·         Facilitate sleep

·         Reduce fatigue

·         Relieve nausea

·         Alleviate feelings of isolation

Oncology massage is adapted to treatments, side effects, bone or vital organ involvement, lymph node removal, lingering effects of treatment on the body, and other factors.

Complete medical history will be necessary for evaluation prior to each session. Classes for LMBT’s & caregivers of cancer patients are available at Art of Body Experience. Call us today in Stoneville, NC for more information.