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Massage Therapy at Art of Body Experience

One of the many benefits of integrated massage therapy is breaking chronic pain’s vicious cycle. Muscles instinctively contract around painful areas to protect. Tight muscles sometimes press on nerves, causing numbness and tingling. At times tight muscles have ischemia, poor circulation and often develop trigger points, hyper-irritable spots that refer pain and tingling to other places in the body. Massage for chronic pain helps restore normal muscle movement by releasing trigger points, removing waste products, and stretching tight contracted muscles.

Creating a more individualized massage by combining the principles of massage and bodywork, Neuromuscular therapy, trigger point therapy, Reiki, Reflexology, Hot Stones, aromatherapy, acupressure or sports massage and supporting a holistic mind-body approach to wellness. Your session is designed based on your health history, your purpose for massage therapy, your goals or expectations, your physical limitations (ROM) and many more factors that are discussed prior to your session.

We at Art of Body Experience look forward to meeting and working with you as you achieve your goals through massage therapy. Call and visit us in Stoneville, NC!